
Repost: “The Blessing of Rejection”

For those of us who have ever experienced rejection, we know how difficult it can be to overcome it.  For instance, when the man we adore switches from “I love you” to “I’ve met someone else.”  Or maybe when the company we’ve devoted years of service to unexpectedly ends our employment.  What about when that boss who previously loved our work suddenly becomes our worse critic?  It could be when that so-called girlfriend starts behaving more like an enemy than a loyal friend.  Believe it or not Beloved, it could always be worse. What could possibly be worse than being dumped in a relationship or losing a best friend, you might ask?  How about being rejected by an entire community?  Consider the biblical story of the Sinner Woman Who Anointed Jesus in Luke 7:36:50 NIV.

The scripture explains how Simon the Pharisees invited Jesus to his house for dinner and a woman (who had lived a sinful life) learned He was there.  While He sat at the table, she arrived (without an invitation) to the Pharisees house with an alabaster jar of perfume.  Her main mission was simply to serve Jesus Christ and she boldly let nothing or no one stand in her way. She honored Him by bathing His feet with her tears and hair.  Then anointed them with the expensive oil.  I imagine as she tenderly kissed and caressed the Master’s feet, that she understood only He could wash away the shame of her sins.  While others may have shunned her, she knew Jesus would forgive and accept her.  She had the faith that He alone could rescue her from the guilt of sleepless nights.  She must have known only He could transform us from lonely to loved, bitter to thankful, and sinful to redeemed. At last, she must have wanted to show her gratitude by performing this simple but most eloquent gesture of humility.

Once the Pharisees saw the woman administering to Christ, he did what many self-righteous church folks do today.  He refused to look beyond her past and discarded her as unimportant.  He thought to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and ‘what kind of woman she is’-that she is a sinner,” Luke 7:39b.  After reading his thoughts, the Lord told a parable of two men who owed money to a lender.  One had a debt that was greater than the other.   Which one, He asked the Pharisees, would be most grateful if their debt was waived?  Simon replied, “I suppose the one who had the bigger debt canceled,” and Jesus agreed.

 He continued, in Luke 7:44b-46 NIV, “Do you see this woman?  I came into your house.  You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and hair.  You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet.”  It was likely that if the Pharisees had known of the woman’s transgressions, then everyone else within that community knew as well. Nevertheless, none of that mattered to the Lord.  He saw beyond her faults.  At last, Jesus tells her, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” As a result, he blessed her in spite of everyone else’s rejection.

Today, you might be trying to recover from a bad job performance review, or a denied loan.  Maybe you didn’t get that job that you had your heart set on.   Regardless of the situation, we must remember that God hears and sees all.  Therefore, we must never allow a disappointment or rejection to defeat us.  For we serve a Heavenly Father who will bless us in the mist of worldly rejection.


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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