
The Danger of Wasted Time

A few weeks ago, retired U.S. Navy Captain Scott Kelly made history by spending the longest time in space by an American astronaut.   He endured a total of 340 consecutive days.  Even more amazing is that Scott has an identical twin brother, Mark who, though now retired, has also traveled beyond the Earth’s orbit.  In fact, Scott and Mark are the only siblings who have traveled to space.  What an awesome achievement to share!

While watching a recent documentary on Officer Scott Kelly, there was one thing that struck me most about him, his value of time. Although he and other members of the international team shared tight quarters, he always seemed to be mindful of making the most use of his time.  Whether he was nurturing flowers to grow onboard the shuttle, or making exterior repairs, he always appeared to understand the fragility of time.  Sure, he readily admitted to missing his family and friends.  Nonetheless, I admired how he appreciated the “right now” moment of his phenomenal space journey.  I was truly inspired by him.  So much so, that I was prompted to take a serious moment of self-reflection.  I now realize how much precious time I’ve wasted during my own life’s journey here on Earth, none of which I will ever gain back.  Whether it was years of devotion given to people who never deserved it in the first place or so called friends who didn’t value me or my friendship, I experienced the danger of wasted time.  I’ve spent too many sleepless nights worried about who doesn’t like me and why.  Fear and insecurities have bullied my peace of mind for way too long!

If this perhaps sounds familiar, take comfort Beloved and know that it’s not too late for either one of us to change.   God’s Word, accompanied with the Holy Spirit, is the best compass for guiding us off a dead-end course of wasted time.   Ephesians 5:15-17 NIV warns, “Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”

Just how can we begin to make the most of every opportunity? By beginning to fully appreciate God’s “right now” blessings.  Right now, your best friend maybe in great health but what if that changed five years from now? Did you leave home this morning before telling your love ones, “I love you?”  What if that was the last time you saw them?  Do you see where I’m going with this?  We can no longer afford to assume that time is on our side. That’s how we fall pry to the danger of wasted time.  We must remember, dear heart, that the only time promised to any of us mere mortals is, “right now!”  This is why we should appreciate the fragility of time like Astronaut Kelly, being careful of “making the most of every opportunity.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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2 thoughts on “The Danger of Wasted Time

  1. Charles White

    I like this Tasha. It’s funny because I had a talk with a coworker the other day and told him that the most valuable things we have is our body and second is our time. We walk around as if we own time. I tell the girls all the time that I’ll rest when I sleep. There’s so much to do for yourself let alone someone else. When you learn to cheer at your own accomplishments, you won’t need acceptance and won’t care about perception.
    Keep up the good work sis. I love you

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