
Repost: “Moments in Love”

I once read, “There are many people who can cook but few who cater.” However, for the purpose of today’s blog, I’d like to beg the difference.   Fact is, all of us have catered to something or someone at some point, whether willingly or unwillingly. Don’t believe me?  Have you ever had to deal with a demanding client or egotistical manager?  What about that hard-to-please child or stepchild?  Maybe, you’ve had to accommodate a difficult parent for the better part of your life?  If so, just know you’re not alone.  I, too, have had to participate in the Catering Business.  In other words, working to please someone for his or her constant approval.

Recently though, I became mindful of this type of pointless behavior. As one of my sorority sistas always says, “Everyone does not deserve a seat at my table.” As a result, I have become mindful of people who take my time and gifts for granted.  I now plan to save these essentials for those who truly appreciate me, for me.  One such example is the Lord.  Instead of spending all my time catering to the demands of the world, I am making a point to spend more time seeking His presence.  For me, it is now about catering to those who deserve it most! Reality is, many wonderful people that I know have lost their mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, Big Momma, Grandma, Granddaddy, etc.   Sadly, they are no longer able to share the holidays with them.

I, too, have lost loved ones. My focus now is to lovingly cater to those who truly deserve my time and attention. Those still with me in the Land of the Living. Yes, scheduling time for those we love can require a lot of work.  But my sweet sister, if you have family and friends whom you love dearly, please do not make the mistake of assuming that they will still be here next year.  I beg you!  Death always shows up unexpectedly.  Therefore, do yourself a favor, Beloved, and make time to cater to those who truly deserve the Gift of You.   In this way, you will create Moments of Love that each of you may cherish for a lifetime.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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1 thoughts on “Repost: “Moments in Love”

  1. Ms. Joyce

    Hi Tashma! Ms Joyce here. Much to my regret; I’ve been so distracted that I not been able to follow like I love to do. Today, I said to myself; Get back with Tash because you know you always get inspiration from her post. I did, and was not disappointed. “EVERYONE DOES NOT DESERVE A SEAT AT MY TABLE”. I’ve learned so much in the last while; but certainly learning to put my efforts and energies in those that truly love me has become a major focus. So ironically; I open up your post and you spoke directly to me. God never ceases to amaze me when he uses a vessel to speak to exactly what I’m feeling at the given time. Thank you so much for your insight; and more than that Thank you for sharing with your followers. It is always so on target and timely. Taking the time with things in life that are meaningful and brings you closer to God; for me is a priority!! Thank you so much! I’m finding myself for the first time in a long time. I won’t lose me again. Please continue to share; you may never know how your post help to enlighten, encourage and propel others to new heights. I love you! It’s easier for me to just email you my thoughts.

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