
Are You Busy?

I have a confession to make. I have fought against numerous strongholds through out my life, some of which I’ve shared in my previous posts. There is one, however, that I have allowed to punk me down for most of my adult life.  For many of us, this stronghold is as familiar as McDonald’s French fries.  It’s subtle influence can annihilate marriages, alienate family members and cause that previous best friend to now view you as a distant acquaintance.  This formidable opponent never settles for some of your time, it demands all of it.  This crafty tool of distraction can even sabotage lifelong ambitions and derail your destined purpose. It is an invisible termite that can chew away at your peace of mind and wear down your body.  And yet, most people are blinded by its power of persuasion.  What is this Master of Disguise?  Most importantly, why is it considered one of satan’s most powerful tools of destruction?  It is none other than Busyness. That’s right, you read correctly.  I said…busyness!

Shocking isn’t it?  Now here’s when you might say, “Seriously, Tashma!”  In which I would respond, “Oh yes…I’m quite serious!” Who ever would have thought something so common could be so detrimental to our well-being.  Recently, I know I’ve become too busy.  In this last week alone, some of my friends have pointed out to me the dangers of staying on this path.  My work days typically begin at 3:30 AM and end at 8:30 PM.  You see, between working out in the early mornings, trying to keep up with a demanding job and participating in various ministries at my church, my plate is pretty full. With that said, these well-meaning friends (along with my mother) reminded me how important it was to make time for my one true passion, writing.  Each one of their messages carried the same theme,  “If you don’t  finish and publish that book, someone else will!”   I must tell you, hearing that felt like someone threw a bucket of ice water in my face.   Thank goodness, I have enough sense to know that I don’t have to stay in this sorry state!  The Lord is steadily showing me that busyness is a choice, not a mandate.

In the Bible the number 17 means “overcoming the enemy” and “complete victory.”   I vow, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that I will conquer the stronghold of busyness and publish my book in this year!  In the name of Jesus, I declare and decree it! Amen!    Perhaps you, too, have been struggling with the nemesis of busyness. What do you want to declare and decree in this year?  Is it that certification that you’ve been wanting to complete for your job but you’ve been too busy to pursue it?  Is it that weight lost goal that you want to achieve but you’re too busy to work out?  Is it that business that God revealed to you but you’ve been too busy to start it?  Maybe you want to purchase a home but have been too busy to begin the process?  Whatever it is, my friend, let’s choose to no longer dwell in a self-afflicted prison of busyness.  Let’s pray and ask our Heavenly Father to instruct us on how to embrace the, “Power of No!”  So, our peace of mind will flourish with an internal Celebration of Yes!

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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6 thoughts on “Are You Busy?

  1. Mikita McNeal

    Oh Tashma this really hit home! God is ready to do some BIG things in our lives but like you stated we are too busy to seek the purpose He created us for.
    Peace and many many blessings to you girl. Can’t wait to read your book… ?

    1. Tashawhite

      Awwwww…Mikita! I can not thank you enough for your kind and uplifting words. You are appreciated! Yes, I, too, believe that God has something incredible for each of us to fulfill in this lifetime. Please keep me in your prayers regarding the book. I am truly trying to allow the Lord to lead me in this endeavor! 🙂

  2. Valorie Horn

    This so very true and very good! A dear friend reminded me that God told us to be fruitful and multiply and not BUSY. Busy stands for:

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