
Resolution Resurrected

Happy New Year, Beloved!  Yes, it has been sometime since we last spoke and I pray all is still well with you.  I have missed you and this blog!  If you’re wondering where I’ve been, I can honestly say that I was tired and took a much-needed break. Not from you, of course, but the pressures of writing.  At least, that’s what I told myself.  Before I knew it, my thoughts of a short break morphed into “Uaaargh…I no longer have the time to devote to this project.”  But, do you want to know the real truth? I started pulling away from God.  Not through my belief and/or faith.  No…never that!   I began to pull away with my time.  I made everything and everyone a priority but spending critical time alone with Him.  As a result, the divine insight that I received from the Holy Spirit that had inspired me to create this blog in the first place began to fade.  You see, sometimes we take for granted talents that God gives us.  At least that’s what I did.  Then we foolishly think we’ll be better off if we no longer use them.   May I tell you a secret?  If you’re considering stepping on that side of the fence…do yourself a favor and don’t!  I’m here to tell you, it’s not worth it!

I am reminded of the biblical Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30 NIV.  Where a man is going on a journey and entrust his servants with various talents.  He gives one servant five talents, who traded them and gained five more.  An additional servant received two talents. He also traded his and was blessed with two more.  Then there was the servant who received one talent but instead of using it, he hid it away.  When the Master came back to settle up the accounts, he praised those who had gained more talents and said, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.”   However, he cursed the servant who had kept his hidden. This is what the Lord showed me that I was doing.  Hiding my gift of writing for selfish reasons.  If this sounds familiar to you regarding your personal talent, don’t worry.  Simply repent like I did and move forward.  Thank goodness, we serve a forgiving savior!  We just have to remember that these talents will only thrive through the consistent guidance of the Holy Spirit.

In this New Year, let’s encourage one another to spend less time on resolutions and more time with our Heavenly Father. Only He can deliver us from bad eating habits and grant us the self-motivation to work out. Only He can heal us from the heartbreak of that decayed relationship.  Only He can provide provisions for that new business venture.  Only He can show us how to add more balance into our life.  Only He can erase those debts.  Most importantly, only He can turn a weapon of the enemy into an useless threat.

So, the purpose of this blog re-launch is to inspire you, as well as myself, to share those God-given talents and gifts with the world. No matter how small the capacity.   We must never forget that only our Eternal Father can transform our New Year of 2017 into a whole New Life!






Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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