
Trim Your Guest List

For those of us who have ever had to plan a party or celebration, one of the most cost-effective ways to manage your budget is to “Trim the Guest List.” This simple process will ensure that you only invite those who you truly want to attend your event. “Everyone does not deserve a seat at my table,” is the mantra for one of my closest sorority sisters.  You know what, she’s right! The older I get, the more important it becomes for me to trim the “guests” who have access to my world.

For most of my adult life, I catered to people who I secretly knew did not have my best interest at heart. Sadly, I was so caught up in my need to be liked, that I sacrificed myself for the approval of others.  Often times, these same people had not gone any further in life than I had. In fact, many of them seemed to excel at only one thing, tearing others down in order to make themselves for feel better.  Sure, I still struggle from time to time with approval addiction.  I would be lying if I denied it.  Thankfully though it’s nothing close to what it used to be.  It wasn’t until I began trimming my guest list that I became a much more happier person.

Is there anyone today whose involvement and/or influence needs to be trimmed from your life? Not sure?  Okay, let me put it this way then.  Some people are just plain negative.  You tell them you want to become a doctor and they point out how long it will take.  You tell them you want to travel the world.  Like clockwork, they then rattle off a thirty-minute lecture on the dangers of women traveling over seas. You share with them your vision to someday buy a house but the only input they can offer is how expensive the down payment will be.  Wow…you talk about a Dream Buster!  It is one thing for someone to use a Spirit of Love to help you face the challenges of life.  It’s something in entirely different to have your dreams murdered in front of you.

The reality is everyone is not going to be happy with where God is leading you in this year. The good news is that’s their problem, not yours.  People who truly have your best interest at heart, will sincerely lift you with words of inspiration, not weigh you down with doubt and fear. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 

So, as you pursue your visions for 2017, ask yourself a very important question. Who would sincerely be happy for me when I achieve this goal?  On a piece of paper, write the word, “Yes” on one side and then put “No” on the other side.  Think about the people who currently have access to your life.  Write down their names under the appropriate sections.  Remember, each name should either be under “Yes” or “No.” Take all the names listed under, “No” and pray for their happiness. Then review the ones listed in the “Yes” column.  Guess what, Beloved? You now have your new trimmed guest list.  As a result, I recommend you share your hopes and aspirations only with these individuals going forward.  So that when the Lord does prepare a table for you in the presence of your enemies (Psalm 23:5 NIV), you can rejoice in knowing that those sitting with you truly do deserve to be there!




Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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4 thoughts on “Trim Your Guest List

  1. Petrina Johnson

    I enjoyed reading the “Trim Your Guest List”. Thank you for writing what God has put on your heart. It is a blessing and lessons for me. God bless you!!!

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