
What’s Your New Everyday?

The definition of insanity is doing things the same way but expecting a different result. Many of you know that I’ve been very vocal in declaring that this is the Year of Change for me.  I really can’t put my finger on why but I truly do believe that 2017 is going to be pivotal to my life and purpose. Therefore, my endless days of Dead Space are permanently gone. Dead Space is a term that I use to describe wasted time.  More to the point, time that yields no fruit towards my future purpose. For instance, like spending long hours surfing the Internet for the latest celebrity gossip or talking on the phone in the evenings for mindless periods of time.  This is my year to get things moving!  As a result, I adhere to a Road Map of Wisdom given to me by the Holy Spirit that I refer to as, “My New Every Day.” Since you’re family, I’m happy to share it with you, in case you’re also in need of a little inspiration.


Write Down Weekly Goals:

The Lord told Habakkuk to, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it,” Habakkuk 2:2 NIV. He said this so there would be no room for misinterpretation.  Furthermore, that all who witnessed the result of the vision would recognize the power of The Almighty.   If writing the vision was imperative for Habakkuk’s victory, why wouldn’t it be for yours and mine as well?  Writing down our goals helps keep us on track of not only where we should be going but also, how far we’ve come.


Commit to Working the Plan:

Someone once said, “A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish.” A vision does not gain life without being birth.   We have to go through the “labor pains” of helping it arrive into the world.  In order for our vision to be delivered healthy, we must do our part to nurture it.


Be Accountable:

Recently, one of my sistas asked me to be her Accountability Partner. I was honored and agreed.  I then asked her to be mine as well.  In fact, I now have two!  Just what exactly is an Accountability Partner, you may wonder?  It’s someone that holds you responsible for staying on task. Here’s the kicker!  A true Accountability Partner will inspire a Spirit of Perseverance within you.  They won’t block your shot with negativity and tactics of shame. They will instead encourage you to keep going, even if you don’t quite reach all of your goals for the week.  Now here’s how it works.  Every Sunday, I send out my weekly goals to each of my Accountability Partners and they, in turn, send theirs to me.  Every Tuesday and Friday, we each connect (typically in the morning) and review what goals we’ve accomplished so far for that week.


Reflect on Your Progress:

Whatever you do, don’t forget to reflect over your achievements! Who wants to work hard for something and not see any progress? I don’t and I’m willing to bet that you don’t either. Take it from me if you stay committed, you will be amazed at your growth.


Seek God’s Will for Your Life:

Before we make any decision in life, we should first seek out the Will of God.  Hebrews 12:2 KJV says, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…” The great I Am controls every facet of our life, no matter how great or small.   This power is not shared with that nasty supervisor, insecure co-worker, cruel ex-lover, judgmental church member, ungrateful child, etc.  None of these mere morals even come close! He alone gives our heart permission to beat.  He alone called us by name before we were formed in our mother’s womb.  He alone can back the devil up off of you with a single command of, “Enough!” No one…No one…No one…but the Great I Am is “the author and finisher of our faith.”


Are you still not convinced? In Habakkuk 1:5b NIV, the Lord promises, “For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”   Awwwwweeee! If that isn’t a mind-blowing promise, I don’t know what is! No matter what my friend, seek and trust the Will of God.  Write down your goals and commit to doing the work that it will take to achieve them.   Then stand with me in faith and watch the Great Architect design a “New Every Day” masterpiece for our future.




Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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6 thoughts on “What’s Your New Everyday?

  1. Tiny Templeton

    Hey Tasha, thank you for always allowing the Holy Spirit to use you! Powerful words! I love it and I love you! Thanks again!

  2. Maria Thurman

    Let the CHURCH SAY ‘AMEN’!! I couldn’t have said it better. The last verse that you quoted ‘For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told’ (Habakkuh 1:5b) gave me my shouting joy!!!!

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