
Is Your Flame Lit?

The year was 1977 and my six-year old mind was held completely captivated at an image on the small screen of our black and white TV. It was of London’s Big Ben of Parliament.  After a few minutes of my careful inspection, I turned to my Mother and asked, “What is that, Mama?” She patiently explained, “It’s a big clock that’s located on a big building that looks like a church in London.” That would be the first question in a long line of many that day regarding a city that I have never heard of before called London.  I instantly fell in love with the pictures featured through out the onscreen documentary.  Much to my disappointment, the show ended way too soon and went off the air.   I, again, turned to Mama and this time vowed, “Ma…I’m going to visit there one day!” She then said something to me so profound that I still remember it word for word forty years later.  She looked into my youthful eyes, pointed her index finger at me and declared, “And You Will!  The only person who can stop you from achieving what you want in life…IS YOU!” She wisely continued, “With God, Tasha, all things are possible!”   I held onto my mother’s prophetic words and, with the Grace of God, seventeen years later boarded a plane to London, England.  I embarked on a collegiate month long Summer Study Aboard.  This Rite of Passage ended up being one of the best experiences of my life. In fact, the Lord has blessed me to visit London not just once but twice!

Although my mother and I have spoken numerous times about this momentous event, I have never been able to properly articulate how very much her inspiring words meant to me. At the time that she initially spoke them, we were extremely poor.  As a result, she could have easily dashed my fragile hope with a dose of harsh reality.  I thank the ‘Great I Am’ that she instead chose a Godly strategy and ignited a spiritual Flame of Faith that still burns brightly within me today.

A Flame of Faith

What is exactly is a Flame of Faith, you might wonder?  Well, I’ll tell you in the following four ways:

  • A Flame of Faith Symbolizes A Relationship with God. The Heavenly Father first revealed himself to Moses in the form of a ‘Burning Bush.’ For me, the guidance of the Lord is like a never-ending flame that illuminates the path to our life’s journey.


  • A Flame of Faith Must Be Nurtured and Protected. To prevent a flame from being extinguished, you must keep it close to your heart in order to protect it. Otherwise, outside influences will blow it out.


  • A Flame of Faith Must Be Kept Visible. You can’t hide a flame or you might forget about it. This could prove not only to be dangerous but deadly. In the same way, a Flame of Faith must also be kept visible so that it draws positive influences not negative ones.


  • A Flame of Faith Ultimately Represents A Choice to Trust God. Having Faith In God is a choice, not an unwanted burden. Only you can decide whether or not to trust Him for a greater tomorrow or live under a shadow of doubt about His existence. The first option will bless you with unwavering hope while the later will curse you with lifelong emptiness.


Perhaps the trials of life have dimmed or blew out your Flame of Faith? If that’s the case, don’t worry you’ve arrived at the right address to get it re-ignited. Hebrews 12:29 NIV tells us, “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our ‘God is a consuming fire.’  So, no matter what you are going through today, my Sibling-in-Christ.  Make the decision to come out of darkness and light your Flame of Faith. Remind the devil that you do not belong to him. Why is this important, you might ask? You are a child of the Most High God and our father is “a consuming fire” that will disintegrate any weapon that the enemy dares to throw at us!


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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4 thoughts on “Is Your Flame Lit?

  1. Maria Thurman

    He TRULY IS ‘a consuming fire’! Thank God for His Word!! Thank God for you, the carrier of His Word!!! Continue to go throughout this earth giving God your best!!! Great blog post!!

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