
Prayer-on-the Go!

Today’s blog is for anyone who believes they don’t have enough time to pray. Last year, I joined a women’s running club called BGR or Black Girls Run! The organization was originally founded in 2009 by two African-American friends whose aim was to inspire all Women of Color to live healthier lifestyles.  The group has now grown to over 150,000 members, which make up hundreds of chapters throughout the U.S.   Our local chapter meets every Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 am to 5:30 am to run three miles. Although it’s dark, we run on a busy street.  So, there are always cars driving by, even at 4:30 am in the morning.   I am always aware of my surroundings.   Unlike my running mates, I never run with music headsets. They tend to drown out background noise and for me, that’s a big no, no! Whether it’s leaves rustling on the sidewalk or something stepping on a twig behind me, I pay close attention to every sound that surrounds me.

Now, don’t look for any marathon pictures of me on Facebook just yet, my friend! I can assure you that will not be happening anytime soon. Yours Truly is still taking baby steps on this journey to running. Often times, my team mates will get so far ahead of me that I don’t see them again until we’re finished. Besides that, I’m more of a trotter rather than a sprinter.  As a result, I’ve learned to take my ‘slow and steady’ pace in stride. I don’t worry about how fast everyone else is going or how much more time they finish before me.  If I became consumed with that, I would have easily quit this race on the first day!

L-R: Tonya, Tashma, Demetris (Metris) and Jasmine (Jaz).  That’s me in the red bandana!

So, how do I manage my time when I’m alone on the running path? It’s like Jaz, one of our veteran runners once told me in her lovely Delaware accent, “It’s your race, Tash! You run it the way you want!” I not only took her advice but I apply it to every run I do. My style of jogging is what I call a, “Prayer Run.” What exactly is that, you may wonder?  It is time that I spend praying to and praising the Lord while running or, better yet, moving to the pace of a trot. Words cannot adequately describe what these moments of mobile meditation outdoors with Him do for me.  While my body and listening ears are in motion, my mind is focused towards heaven.  I look up at the moonlit sky and imagine the Eternal Father looking down on me.  Through His vigilant presence, I know He is watching, healing, delivering, protecting, nurturing, cleansing and saving me with His love. I ask for forgiveness of my sins; as well as, offer up praise for my current and future blessings. Additionally, I pray for the needs of my family, beloved friends, Blog readership (that includes you 🙂), Sisterhood of Prayer, church members, co-workers, and even those who are unkind to me.

           The Holy Creator is really showing me that as long as we have a heart to truly fellowship with Him, we can pray (talk) to Him anywhere. Don’t believe me?  One day this week, commit to turning your car radio off during your morning commute and talk to the Lord. Close your mind to what you think you may miss hearing on the radio.  Try to, instead, envision the “Great I Am” as your passenger.  Let me assure you, Beloved, He is with us whether we realize it or not. Joshua 1:9 NIV says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” So, no matter how the devil tries to sabotage your stride today, don’t you dare become discouraged! Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4b).   All you need to do to complete the race ahead is humbly lift up a Prayer-on-the-Go!

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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8 thoughts on “Prayer-on-the Go!

  1. T.D.

    Prayer Walking is the best walking because you’re walking the surface of the Earth that God created, you’re using the breath that God gave you, and you’re praying for everything around you!!!! How awesome!! Keep up the AWESOME work of God Tashma!!

  2. Joyce R McCall

    Absolutely amazing to me ; how I believe; my heavenly Father has used you as a vessel. Amazing, how with each new post; I get some clarity and begin to accept me for who I am. Flaws and All. I read the word; but have had some difficulty; being able to fully take from it what I should. Through your post and reading the word; I am better able to focus on what I believe; my Father is saying to us ALL. I thank you; but In Very large part; I thank God for using your work to help me to engage more to HIS word. I’m going to take the advice of your Delaw larian comrade and realize ” THIS IS MY RACE; AND I CAN RUN IT THE WAY I CHOOSE” . Focusing on the Lord Almighty! Thanks again!!!

    1. Tashawhite

      I am in awe of God’s greatness and utterly humbled at your inspiring words. Although I am unworthy of His gifts, I do thank Him for each and every one of them. Additionally, I thank “The Great I Am” for your continued love and support.

      With love always,

  3. Maria

    Beautiful! Your prayer experience is definitely a way to maximize time with God. We often complain that we don’t have ‘time’ but you just created opportunity. Thanks for sharing!

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