
Repost- The Greatness of Last

Last Wednesday night was a bitterly cold night in North Dallas.  After rushing through the frigid winds, I breathed a sigh of relief when I finally reached the shelter of my car. The heat from the driver’s seat warmed me like an electric blanket.   I was just about to exit the church parking lot, when I noticed a small, elderly man glide pass my vehicle on a bike. It was none other than Rubin, a fellow church member.  He is a sweet tempered man who is usually first to complete the least popular tasks of maintaining a church.   For instance, like mopping the church lobby, picking up trash from the aisles, cleaning up the messes of undisciplined children, etc.  No matter what the task, Rubin is always there to assist. While others make a show out of what all they do for the church, this meek Servant of God performs his tasks in a deliberate but quiet manner.  According to his reputation around our church, he never murmurs or complains.

As I watched him struggle to maneuver through the cold weather and oncoming traffic, tears suddenly pooled in the corners of my eyes.  I became convicted on some many levels regarding my own walk with Jesus Christ. Here was a man known for having very few material possessions, while I, on the other hand, am blessed to have a car with heat and AC.  During Bible Study, I impatiently sat and waited for the guest speaker to wrap up the lesson so that I could go home and rest.  And just what was Rubin doing?  Tucked quietly in a corner, patiently waiting for a sign from the instructor to begin the process to take up the offering.

During my drive home, I reflected on my selfish, self-righteous behavior from earlier in the evening.   Ashamed, I asked the Lord to please forgive me.   It was then I heard the Holy Spirit say, “The Greatness of Last.”  Instantly, I recalled what Jesus tells us in Matthew 19:30 NIV which says, “But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.”  Few people in my entire life have epitomized this passage more than humble brother Rubin.  Beloved, just know that often times, we have it all wrong when it comes to who is truly significant in the eyes of our Savior.  It’s not the ones with the title and wealth. It is, instead, those who make serving God in any capacity their first and foremost priority.  That’s why I know beyond a shadow of doubt that Rubin already has a mansion with many rooms in heaven.  Along with everyone else that society typically shuns by considering him or her “last” or insignificant. We must never forget that although man takes years to pay off a worldly mortgage of brick and mortar.  Only those with a true Christ-like mindset of  “Last” will enjoy the luxury and greatness of an eternal mansion in heaven.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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