
Take Your Seat

Long ago, the iron cad fist of Jim Crow laws publicly ruled the rural South. Separate and unequal were as common to African-Americans and as flies are at a summer barbeque.  I intentionally use the word, “publicly” because people were more open with their racism during this time.  Today, it’s often the same soup but with a flashier bowl.  In other words, it is now served with a prettier presentation but because the ingredients are the same, so is the taste. During this conveniently forgotten era, there was a young girl who worked as a server at the Big Rebel Burger joint.   Her job was to deliver the food orders to customers’ cars.  More often than not, they would throw their spare change by way of a tip on the ground in front of her rather than simply placing it in her hand.  Although this cruel behavior slashed at her tender heart, she had no choice but to pick it up.   You see she and her three younger siblings lived with their grandmother.  Resources were scarce, to say the least.   Consequently, she desperately needed the scattered change for the children’s school lunch money.   So, each time she had to bend down in the blistering hot sun or cold rain to gather the few precious coins, she did it thankfully as she envisioned each of their faces.  Another aspect that she had to accept was that Blacks weren’t allowed to eat inside the restaurant at this time.  The possibility of taking a seat at one of the tables indoors for a quick break was unheard of; much less unwelcome by the customers and management.


Fast forward to some fifty years later to 2017 and you will see that young girl has grown up. She is now a grandmother of quiet strength, effortless style and, most importantly, God given grace.  She’s come a long way from the teenager who wasn’t allowed to seat at a table that she served.   Just two weeks ago, my family and I honored this gentle soul for her birthday.  We showered her with flowers, gifts and a brunch.  This time around, she was given the best seat at the table.


Did you know that when we give our life to Jesus Christ, He will direct us to a place of honor at His table as well? Don’t believe me?  In Luke 14:9-10 NIV, Jesus explains when someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the head seat for someone else may have been given that seat of distinction.  As a result, you could be asked to move, which could be very embarrassing. He tells us, “But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that that when your host comes, he will say to you,’ Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all the other guests’” Luke 14:10 NIV. You see the moral of the story is not about where you have been assigned to sit throughout your life but, with God, you can be moved up to a ‘better place.”


All in all, it doesn’t matter who counted you out before, my friend. When we consciously humble ourselves unto the Lord, the same people who overlooked you in the past, will be the very ones who witness the King of Kings direct you to a Position of Honor in the future. So, no matter what the devil tries to throw at you today, Beloved; hold onto your faith and Take Your Seat.  Then watch the Eternal Host show up and show out!


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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2 thoughts on “Take Your Seat

  1. Maria

    By far, my favorite post. Your words are true! She is a woman of grace and humility. Thank you for showering her with love and appreciation because she is deserving. Thanks for giving her the best seat in the house!

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