
And Who Are They?


Some time ago, I received a frantic call from a dearly beloved friend. She is in the intial stages of trying to pursue her dream career.  On this particular day, she shared with me a conservation that she had with two “experts in the field.”  Apparently during their discussion, the two professionals made a tag team effort to discourage the progress of her journey.   They ran the gamut of how long it would take her to finish school to placing emphasis on her being a “much older” student.  Who knew that age 44 is considered by some to be as prehistoric as the dinosaurs?  She was utterly devastated by their rudeness. Hence, the reason for her phone call to me.


As she relayed the story to me, I patiently listened.    By the time she finished, she had begun to cry.  In that moment, I could feel the Holy Spirit stirring within me.  I then did something that took us both by surprise. I asked her, “And Who Are They?”  My friend began to list their worldly credentials for me.  Afterwards, I asked again, “And Who Are They?”  Like clockwork, she began to repeat her previous explanation.  Once more, I asked but with a deliberately slow intent, “And…Who…Are…They?”   I could tell when she finally got it.  Her comment to me when my question hit home was, “Wow…that’s powerful, Tasha!”  I knew I couldn’t take the credit. I let her know that my question came solely from the Holy Spirit.


As she sat quietly on phone, I reminded her of all the “positive reasons” why she should continue her Pursuit of Happiness.  I pointed out how long she has held onto this dream, since the age of 4.  Now at the age of 44, it was time to fulfill it. Additionally, I reminded her of how blessed she is to have a husband who is 100% in support of her career change.    That, my beloved reader, is not always the case…trust me.  Last, but certainly not least, I gave her, Philippians 4:13 NIV, which assures us, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”


Before I was done, her anguished tears had stopped and I could tell she was at peace.   She admitted, “Girl…you are so right!  Have mercy on me, Father.  I won’t ever allow anyone else to make me doubt this journey again.”  The most precious aspect about today’s message is that The Lord Jesus loves all His children.  Therefore, what He does for one He can do for us all.


Are there naysayers in your life telling you it’s too late to fulfill your lifelong dream?  That your time has passed?  Are you allowing them to place limits onto your future?  If so, you’re not alone.  I, too, have allowed the stench of someone else’s doubt to pollute my Stream of Visions.  The good news is that this doesn’t have to be the case.  Matthew 19:26b NKJV assures us, “With God all things are possible”.  So, the next time Mr. or Mrs. Negativity decides to give you their unsolicited advice, go ahead and let them talk! But, after they are done, smile and silently ask yourself, “And Who Are You?” For their powerless words can never deter the Lord’s promise for your divine future!

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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4 thoughts on “And Who Are They?

  1. Wanda Williams

    My dearest Tasha, thank you for your continued leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit which is ALWAYS a “right now” Word! All of your posts are encouraging and that’s why God has gifted you in this area. Keep up the good work! I’m sure others feel the same way I do, but just haven’t taken the time to say so. I apologize for the delay in posting a comment of encouragement to you too!! Much love and appreciation!!

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