
Electric or Gas?

Last week, my Sista-friend, Lynn, shared with me an amazing epiphany.  We discussed how we as believers, are called to be a light in this dark world.  She explained that figuratively speaking, there are two kinds of lights that people have within the Body of Christ, Electric or Gas. Now, it should go without saying that both can be equally destructive when not monitored or used properly.  However, for the sake of today’s message, we are only focusing on the source of illumination.

First, there are those whose light is Electric. No, not the Electric Slide! ☺These are they that must have a “Switch On” experience in order to have praise and worship.

They must either hear a moving song or high charged sermon before they can be inspired to show reverence unto Almighty God.  These individuals thrive ‘In-the-Moment’ of man’s actions versus ‘In-the-Movement’ of the Holy Spirit.  That’s why as soon as church service is over, those with an “Electric Light” can pass by their follow Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ without ever greeting them.  Once outside of the church perimeters, they are no longer connected to the Power Source of the Holy Spirit.  Just as electricity is essentially created in man-made Power Stations, this person’s inner light is derived from man-made influences, not supernatural.


The second group’s light is made of GasSince it comes from the Earth, it has a natural habitat. According to one theory, “Natural gas was formed millions of years ago when plants and tiny sea animals were buried by sand and rock.  Mud, sand, rock, plant, and animal matter formed layers upon layers that built up over time until pressure and heat turned them into oil and natural gas.”  It tends to be so powerful that it takes very little in order to work when compared to electric.  Another aspect of gas is that the pilot must always be on in order to work effectively, whereas an electric light needs an initiator of sorts.  When a gas pilot burns out, it has to be relit.  In other words, its evidence of light is always visible. Matthew 5:16 KJV commands us, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

As you prepare to navigate through the uncharted territory of this brand new week, my dear, you have an important decision to make.  What type of light will you shine?  Will it be a blistering one designed to hurt those messy co-workers that get on your last nerve?  Perhaps it will be a dim light that represents that half-done work you created to rebel against that supervisor you can’t stand?  Maybe it will be a flickering light, one that only beams bright when you’re around people you like. When it’s all said and done, the Word of God tells us to let our light shine so that our Father will get the glory…period!  Therefore, no matter what the enemy slings your way this week, Beloved.  Make up in your mind that the evil one is not going to extinguish your natural flame. It was never intended to be hidden but to instead draw others to the warmth of God’s love.





Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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