
The Real Supernatural Phenomenon

The Solar Eclipse seems to be the hot topic of today.  It’s sort of a big deal; given that the U.S. hasn’t experienced a Total Solar Eclipse in 38 years.  It seems like a lot of fuss for something that on average doesn’t last more than 7 minutes and 32 seconds. Nevertheless, scientists and curious bystanders around the world have been preparing for months to view this epic event.  Here in North Dallas, solar glasses have been flying off the shelf in stores for weeks.

Most people are aware that a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth. However, did you know there are two types of eclipses; Solar or Lunar.   A solar type happens when the Moon is covering either a part or all of the Sun. Lunar occurs when the Earth’s umbra (the dark part of the Earth’s shadow) covers a part of or the Moon’s entire surface.  According to experts, today’s Solar Eclipse will cross the United States from coast to coast, starting just after 10 AM in Oregon and ending before 3 PM in South Carolina.

As a self-professed nerd who loves to learn, I’ll be the first to admit that this is a fascinating topic.  Even still, I can’t help but ponder an important question.  How many of those global viewers are more in awe of the Earth, Moon and Sun than they are of the One who created them?

Jeremiah 31:35 NIV tell us, “…He who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar- The Lord Almighty is His name.” Wow, just think about it. We serve the only God who has the authority to appoint the sun; as well as, decree the moon and stars to shine.

Isaiah 40:12 NIV begs the question, “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, or with the breadth of His hand marked off the heavens?”   All in all, Beloved, let’s be ever so careful!  We should never have more reverence for Mother Nature than we do for the Holy Creator.  There is no aspect of her that is more powerful than the Almighty God. She is only a myth. Whereas, He alone has the power to speak a word that can transform any void of darkness into a Supernatural Phenomenon!

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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4 thoughts on “The Real Supernatural Phenomenon

  1. Tina Rosado

    Amen Tashma! There is no one or nothing more powerful than God and there is a rest in knowing that. Thank you for such a heart stirring, thought provoking site. ?

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