
Finding Focus In A Blurry World

I’m willing to bet that there aren’t many dates that people tend to remember outside of anniversaries, birthdays and deaths.  However, I would venture to say that Thursday, August 31, 2017 is one that won’t be easily forgotten.  Not at least for the population of over 7 million people in the Dallas/ Arlington/ Fort Worth area.  An urgent message spread like a deadly virus attacking the hard drive of a computer. What could cause such pandemonium among this extensive community?

       Scene from a Texas Gas station

It was simply three words, “No More Gas!” In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, almost every news station in the Metroplex began blaring reports of stranded fuel trucks in the Houston area with no foreseen travel date in sight to Dallas.  Social Media stepped in and made the situation sound even worse.  It intercepted the pass thrown by the news stations and took off at a full sprint towards the End Zone of Propaganda, scoring a touchdown. Mass hysteria resulted in long lines of traffic as drivers dashed through the streets in search of the precious oil.  I certainly wasn’t immune to the hype either.  After five visits to nearby gas stations, I was finally able to find one that either wasn’t out of petroleum or charging $8 per gallon.  Miraculously, (of course I’m being sarcastic) those same gas stations who were previously price gouging, were up and running at their normal prices less than 24-hours later.   I’m sure the oil company executives were busy salivating over their new bonuses as a result of this carefully constructed fiasco.


This is why it can be difficult to find focus in a world blurred by the smear of white-collar corruption and social injustice.   And yet, we can still have hope.  Psalm 34:19 NIV says, The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him (her) from them all…” The Word tells us in Philippians 4:8 NIV to focus on, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.” In this way, “the God of peace will be with” us.  Our salvation does not exempt us from tribulations. Therefore, those siblings might continue to be selfish and yes, that supervisor just may have multiple personalities. It could be that so-called friend is actually your frenemy (an enemy disguised as a friend) after all.

Regardless of what we encounter this week, we serve a Savior that will give us clarity of vision in a blurry and dark world.

So, don’t be distressed Beloved but instead focus on Him who has the power to turn any lack in our life (i.e., gas, finances, career opportunities, etc.) into an abundant resource.



Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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