
Plan to Think

Recently, some of the world’s brightest minds gathered to attend the World Economic Forum (WEF). The annual conference is held every January in Davos, Switzerland consisting of global political and business elites. After the Summit ended two weeks later, reports from the WEF indicated that there are certain essential skills that will be in-demand by most employers several years from now; specifically, by 2020. One of the most critical will be the ability to ‘Think.’ Yes, that is correct…Think!

According to Forbes magazine, thinking (strategically, of course) is a must have for today’s successful organizations. As a matter of fact, one CEO of a large, global bank was noted for saying, “My job is not to stay busy or maintain a non-stop travel schedule. My job is to carefully think about our strategy.” To his point, Billionaire Founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, was famous for taking a week off twice a year, “Just to think and reflect deeply about Microsoft and its future without any interruption.” Financial Guru Warren Buffet once commented, “I insist on a lot of time being spent, almost every day, to just sit and think.”

Similarly, thinking or having quiet time is as equally important to the Body of Christ. Some of our best insight to God’s Will comes in the stillness of our thoughts. Incidentally, I confess that I am a talker. My Aunt Sheila used to say I can talk without taking a breath (chuckle). Let me tell you, I have certainly tried numerous times to put this claim to the test! That is, of course, until I take on a posture of writing. What exactly is ‘taking on a posture of writing?’ It simply means ‘getting my mind ready to write.’ When this happens, my words become less and less. On the other hand, my thoughts grow louder and louder. By the time my laptop turns on, my thoughts automatically start to shape the beginning, middle and conclusion of my message. There’s been times when I have initially sat down to write that the sun is out shining in all its glory.  By the time I’m later finished, it’s close to Midnight. This is never, ever possible unless I’ve previously made time to quietly think. That’s the beauty of having a moment to center your thoughts.

Every time someone tells me that they don’t hear from the Almighty, it is always someone who can’t exist five minutes without some type of background noise. How can we hear the Voice of God, when we rely on the voice of man? I believe every person should periodically think about where they are in their present life and where they want to be in the future. If those thoughts align with the Word of God, are declared by daily prayer, and cushioned by faith, there’s no limit to where the Lord of the Universe can take you. Romans 12:2 NIV says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s Will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.” In order to renew our mind, we must embrace the power of positive thinking. And when we do, that’s when a simple plan to think will transform into a plan of action that yields a successful future.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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