
Repost – Window Shopping

I recently came across an interesting term called,“Window-Shop Dating.” Some of you may have heard of it. As the name suggests, it is based on the concept of browsing. When we typically window-shop, we often look through the goods of a store with no intent to purchase. Window-shop dating, on the other hand, involves browsing through people with no intention to initiate a profound romantic relationship.

The purpose of today’s blog is to bring awareness to single Christian women of this worldly dating practice. According to a recent article, men, allegedly, “participate in this common theme more than women.” These types of males are usually self-described players who “move from one new experience to another, while being fed (financially and/or sexually) each time, until something or someone new captures their interest.”

Now I, in no way, want to suggest that we women are exempt from this common practice. Nowadays, we find women (saved and unsaved) who are just as aggressive as men when it comes to “shopping around” for a date. How does one “shop for a date,” you might ask? Indeed, it’s actually quite simple. A person who “shops for a date” is looking for a relationship like a shopaholic buys clothes. In each instance, the person is in need of something or someone in order to feel fulfilled. Sadly, they lack self-worth, failing to recognize that their value does not come from designer labels or a man, but through the Holy Spirit that dwells within them.

Essentially, basic window-shopping involves searching for the latest fashion or electronic trends with no obvious commitment to buy. While, window-shop dating consists of a need to experience new relationships with no apparent intent to “purchase” or commit. In other words, window-shop dating can be characterized “as whetting one’s appetite without requiring much effort or any commitment to be invested in it.”

Ultimately, the goal is to enjoy it while it lasts or as one popular country singer’s song goes:

“You’re window shopping,
just window shopping
You’re only lookin’ around
You’re not buyin’,
you’re just tryin’
To find the best deal in town
You give away your kisses
but you never give your heart
To anyone who’s fool enough to fall
You don’t feel love,
you don’t want real love
You’re window shopping, that’s all”

As single Daughters of Christ, consider the fact that our Father is the Most High God! His Word assures us in Psalm 139:14 that, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” Therefore, Beloved, we do not have to settle for being someone’s “Entertainment Tonight” or, better yet, entertainment for right now. We should, instead, be seen as a Priceless Family Heirloom. A treasure given a lifelong commitment from its owner (head of household) to be cherished and honored from generations to come.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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