
Is Your Church Mobile?

Cars can be a wonderful means of mobility.  Depending on where you live, they can either be a necessity or luxury.  With that said, have you ever considered our ability to be mobile from a supernatural standpoint.  Come now, you must have known I would add a spiritual twist to this message. 🙂  As believers, it’s not so much about how far we travel but how do we treat others during our journey.  More specifically, “Is Your Church Mobile?”  Now, here’s what I mean by that question.  A church is defined as, “A building used for public Christian worship.”  Did you know that our bodies are also symbolic “buildings” intended for public Christian worship.  Don’t believe me?  1 Corinthians 3:9 NIV says, “ For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.” 

Now you may be wondering, what has led me to such an unusual question.   Well, during this Sunday’s church service, I happened to look around at the sea of faces that surrounded me. I noticed some people had their hands lifted in the air while others clapped to the beat of the Praise and Worship.  Very few people seemed indifferent to the movement of the Spirit. I would venture to say that in the moment, no one “cared” about what kind of job a person had, their education level, or overall socioeconomic status.  The only thing that mattered at that time was our praise to Almighty God.  

The majority of the congregation seemed to portray an image of politeness and warmth towards one another.  After the service ended, I watched how everyone quickly dispersed to their individual means of transportation.  Then it hit me and I wondered, “How many of us will be taking ‘the church’ with us and who will be leaving it here for next week?”  Hence the reason for my original question, “Is Your Church Mobile?”  Would that same spirit of kindness that we displayed in the sanctuary travel with us to our homes, as we visit family members, or to our jobs?  Will that shy server who just started working at our favorite restaurant see it? How about that employee who is trying to single-handedly assist that long line of customers standing at the Deli in Walmart?   Will any of these people see any evidence of the “church” within us?  How about that staff member who got our order wrong in the Drive Thur?  Will he or she be able to tell that there is even a “church” inside of us?  How about if someone asked our co-workers?  Would they be able to confirm that we even go to church; most importantly, whether or not we represent it? 

If you’ve answered, “no” to any of these questions, be encouraged, Beloved.  You are not alone.  Just like you, I, too, have ridden on this same train from time-to-time.  The great news is that we don’t have to continue on it.  We can always stop, get off, and head in the opposite direction. Corinthians 3:16 NIV tells us, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you.”  No matter what happened on yesterday, today is a new day!  Once we surrender to the Lord’s will, He can transform our mind and behavior. So much so, that regardless of where we travel, the light of “the church” that is within us will shine through and brighten up the day of whomever we encounter along the way.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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4 thoughts on “Is Your Church Mobile?

  1. Mae Johnson

    This is an excellent reminder that we are the Church and as the Church we are not tied to the building but expected to live and share the Grace of God with Others.

    Great article

  2. Wanda Williams

    Dear Tasha, God truly blesses you to send a “right now” Word that is ALWAYS so timely. From the potato flake to the mobile church — help us to come up to Your Word Dear God! Please know that my heart was touched and convicted (at the same time) to do better and allow Him to have His “free” way in my life. Lord, help me to be a better witness for You everywhere I go, and in everything I do — in Jesus Name. Amen!

    1. Tashawhite

      All praises to the Most Hight God, Elaine! I am truly touched for your comments and continued support over the years. Yes, indeed! God is all I have and, yet, all I need. Thanks again, dear heart!

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