
The Bargain Basement- Repost

For a thrifty shopper, a “Bargain Basement” can be just as addictive as freshly baked Krispy Kreme doughnuts. It contains merchandise that is ‘discounted’ or marked down in price and is defined as “a part of a store where items are sold cheaply, typically because they are damaged, blemished, or imperfect.”

Considering yesterday was Resurrection Sunday, imagine for a moment that the world is a bargain basement. In addition, picture a directory of mankind or the Book of Life (Exodus 32:32-33 NIV) created by God. For the sake of this exercise, envision He wants to purchase or save everyone (including you and me) written in this book. As a solution, He summons Jesus to His Throne of Mercy and explains, “Son, I need You to do something very important for me.” “Whatever You ask of Me, Father I will do!” Jesus replies.

The Lord instructs Him to, “First, wrap yourself into the flesh of humanity and go into the worldly bargain basement. Once you there, you are going to find merchandise (mankind) this is damaged (broken) blemished (sinful), and imperfect (sick). This is why I am sending You; the only pure sacrifice or payment that I can exchange for mankind.”

The Eternal Father then warns, “Beware of the shop owner (satan) for he has ‘discounted’ each of these names because he believes they will never be made whole or new again. Although he is a liar,” the Lord tells Jesus, “you and I know better! Once you have gathered your precious cargo, use this to finalize your payment,” and He hands Jesus the Christ an old, rugged cross.

As soon as He arrives at the bargain basement (the world), satan plots in order to discourage the Savior from making any purchases.

Don’t take that one…she had an abortion!” claims the evildoer.
Jesus replies, “I came so she may be delivered from guilt.”

satan: “Don’t buy that name…she has slept with many men!”
Jesus: “I came so she may be forgiven.”

satan: “Don’t buy her name…she is divorced!”
Jesus: “I came so she may have hope to start anew.

satan: “Don’t choose her…she can’t keep a man!”
Jesus: “I came so she may be healed from emotional scars.”

In a raging fury, satan shuts his eyes and shouts, “These women are not worth saving, they are all just junk!” He suddenly senses a change in the atmosphere and opens his eyes to a now empty room. While an invoice floats downward and lands at his feet, he hears a voice from heaven proclaim, “You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men,” 1 Corinthians 7:23 NIV.

The evil one snatches the bill from off the floor. Stunned, he reads three words that instantly upgrade our status from worthless bargain basement finds to Priceless Redeemed Treasures. The words are simply “Paid in Full,” written in blood stained ink!

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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2 thoughts on “The Bargain Basement- Repost

  1. Wanda Williams

    Wow, I know it’s a repost, but I’m still speechless and grateful!! Thank you Lord for Your love, grace and forgiveness that gives us hope.

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