
The Perfect Score

I have been praying and fasting for weeks now regarding a particular blessing from God. This past Saturday, I received my answer in the form of a written letter, which indicated one powerful word, “no”. When I first read the result, I was devastated. I thought, “Oh, my God!” Disappointment attacked my senses like the heat in a car without an air conditioner. But then, something amazing began to happen. My mind started to flood with memories of when God had proven Himself faithful through out my life. I remembered the time when we were so poor growing up, that going to McDonald’s was considered a high priced luxury. I thought about how hard it was for us when we didn’t have a car and Mama had to ask for a ride to work. I recalled when I was child, my mother had to undergo major surgery and was hospitalized for a long time. Everyday that my brother and I spent away from her was torturous. When she was finally able to return home, it was like the Lord has smiled down on us from heaven. It was one of the best gifts that I’ve ever received from our Holy Father. Memory after memory played in my mind like a movie featured on a cinematic screen.

The last memory that I recalled was from just last week. It was then that I had prayed, “Lord, show me how to please you!” I thought about Hebrews 11:6 NIV which says, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.”  There is one particular verse in this passage that stands out from the rest. It is,“And without faith it is impossible to please God…”. As I am one who does not believe in coincidence, I immediately knew there was a direct correlation between what I had prayed, this scripture and the Letter of Denial. What was the overall theme? In order to please God, I must trust and have faith in Him.  You see, it’s taken me forty-four years to embrace one of the golden rules of Salvation. It is, “The more I trust in Him, the less I will worry.” Nothing takes Him by surprise and I do mean…NOTHING! Even when the result is devastating to me, I still have unwavering trust in the Author and Finisher of my faith.

That’s why I believe that letter was a test. The Creator of All Things wants to know if I will have confidence in Him, not the words written on the notice. Consequently, I am determined to pass this spiritual examination with a ‘Perfect Score.’ I imagine myself sitting in a heavenly classroom. The silhouette of an angel floats towards me and instantly a quiz appears on my desk. The document list real-life instances that have occurred throughout my life, all of which were significant challenges. After each scenario, I am asked the same two questions: (1) Did you trust God and (2) Did He ultimately bring you out? My answer in every case is, “Yes!”

Sweet Friend, is there anything that you are believing the Lord for right now? Are you praying for a new job/career? Are you waiting for that spouse that the Lord has ordained for you to come? Is it healing in your ailing body? Is it deliverance from mounting debt? Is it peace between you and that wayward child? Is it that you and your spouse will return to the days in which you both first fell in love? Whatever it maybe, dear friend, remember this is only a Test of Faith. The good news is that there’s nothing that we need to study for in advance. We only have to trust in the Great Architect of the Universe. Then when our test of faith is finally graded, we will hear the Majestic Ruler say, “Well done, Beloved, you made a Perfect Score!

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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