
Back to the Cradle

For those of us who were around in the 1980s, there was a Sci-Fi adventure movie called Back to the Future.  It was based on a small town California teen named Marty McFly, played by Michael J.  Fox.  The overall plot involved Marty having to travel back in time to ensure that his parents fall in love or else, he would never exist in the future. The motion picture cost $19 Million USD to make but the overall franchise grossed over $950 million USD.

Personally, I think there is one particular reason why the movie was such a big hit with its fans, besides the Visual Affects, of course.  It was the ability to go back in time.  How many of us wished we could go back in time and right a life-changing wrong. I know I have during a few disastrous moments in my life. 

If you ever saw this movie, did you ever consider how similar its plot is to the Word of God?  Not really, that’s okay.  I didn’t either until recently and here’s how.  Okay, so we all know that it is not physically possible to go back in time. Nevertheless, the Word of God explains how we can, in fact, accomplish this spiritually.  

In the book of Matthew, Jesus calls a little child to stand among Him and the disciples.  In Matthew 18:4 NIV, He says, Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” This is critical to our walk with Christ.  So much so, that in Matthew 18:3 NIV, Jesus tells us, Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”  Beloved, since the Lord can not lie, this isn’t a threat to us, it’s a promise!   

But, you may be wondering like I did when I first read this passage, “How in the world do we become like little children again?” This would be particularly hard to imagine for those of us who passed the age of adolescence some time ago.  Then the Holy Spirit revealed to me that there is one obvious way for us to become childlike again. It is quite simply through our faith.  You see, a healthy and safe child is able to trust that their parent has her or his best interest at heart.  It isn’t until we grow up, experience trials and tribulations for ourselves that our faith tends to become shaken.  That’s why Matthew 18:4 NIV tells us that unless we humble ourselves like children, we won’t enter into heaven. 

Is there some thing that you are standing in need of today but your faith is battered and bruised?  Maybe it seems like you are never going to start that career of choice?  Perhaps, you’ve been preparing for a professional exam and you’re overwhelmed at taking it?  It could be you feel like you’re never going to recover from this season of financial drought?  Whatever it is, be encouraged, my friend! No matter what we are facing, we are blessed to serve a God that is bigger than our burdens, hurts and debts.   During this Christmas season, don’t focus on worldly concerns.  Let’s instead humble ourselves and spiritually become so childlike in our faith, that it feels like we’ve returned, not Back to the Future but Back to the Cradle.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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