
“The God of Your”

I make it a regular practice to intentionally take the time to appreciate God’s blessings over my life. One of the ways in which I do this is to walk through out my residence and thank the Lord for what He has given me.  Of course, His blessings reach far beyond the natural world but I do believe in honoring Him for what I can presently see.  I literally touch every item, from the smallest to the largest, and vocally praise Him. As my fingers brush over the each object, I typically say things like, “Father…thank You for my pillow…that I lay my head on at night.  Thank You for my bed that I sleep in. Thank You for my iron and ironing board to press my clothes. Thank You for my TV that I watch.  Thank You for my chairs that I sit in. Thank You for my washer and dryer that I use to clean my things, etc.”  However, about four days ago, I received a wonderful revelation.  As I looked around, I realized and said to myself, “None of this belongs to me.”  I continued to say, “Everything I have, has been given to me by my Eternal King.”  Suddenly, the Holy Spirit confirmed this by saying, “He is the God of Your!”  Instantly, I knew what the Wonderful Comforter was trying to tell me.

An understanding began to illuminate within me like sunlight spilling through a curtainless window. Everything that I could see…is owned by “I Am Who I Am.”  I thought about James 1:17 NIV which says, Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

The words from the Holy Spirit truly resonated with me,“He is the God of Your!”  Gratitude flooded my heart like a cup that has been over filled.  As my gaze moved from left to right,  I could see just how good, the mighty El Elyon (The God Most High) has been to me.  Everything I saw became a blessing, from the toothpicks in my cabinet to the car, which is paid for, that I drive. None of which is mine, it is God’s.  In that moment, my words of praise shifted to, “Father…thank You for Your pillow…that I lay my head on at night.  Thank You for Your bed that I sleep in. Thank You for Your iron and ironing board to press Your clothes. Thank You for Your TV that I watch. Thank You for Your chairs that I sit in.  Thank You for Your washer and dryer that I use to clean Your things, etc.”  Who knew that changing a simple pronoun in a sentence could have such a powerful affect on one’s spirit.  

Perhaps you are battling a storm and feel like the Almighty has forsaken or forgotten about you.  Maybe you feel like He is showering everyone else with blessings but you?  It could be you’re in danger of loosening your grip of faith at any moment.  Whatever the situation, my friend, just know that El Roi (The God Who Sees Me) knows our situation.  So, take a moment to look around at what you already have.  Even if these things aren’t to your satisfaction, at least you have them.  I can assure you that someone in this world wished they had what you now see.  As a result, be thankful for every gift, no matter how small or big.  Most importantly, know that when we truly seek Him, the best is yet to come!   

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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