
Divine Royalty

Last week, history was made.  Prince Henry Charles Albert David married Rachel Meghan Markle, an American.  You may be surprised to learn, this isn’t the first time an American has married into the Royal Family.  King Edward VIII abdicated the throne to marry American Socialite, Wallis Simpson.  Their love affair had enough drama and scandal that would make even the Atlanta Housewives blush.  What’s most amazing about this particular moment in time is that it happened in the 1930s!

     What made England’s latest high profile wedding so fascinating is that the bride is bi-racial.  Never, in the history of the country, has a person of color become a member of the Royal family.  I pray nothing but a loving and successful future for this young couple who are setting groundbreaking trends.

     As I indulged in my fascination with all things British last week, I didn’t allow myself to get too caught up.  You see, at the end of the day, there’s only one family that matters most.  It’s not the one with the self-appointed titles and flair for grandeur. As Believers, we are members of the most important Royal Family that has and will ever exist. Most importantly, the Monarch is not a mortal being like the Queen of England.  He is, in fact, the King of all kings. 

     Sure, we might not have multi-million dollar weddings or live in an earthly castle, but what we do have is priceless.  Inside every Child of God, is the DNA of greatness. 1 Corinthians 3:9 NIV tells us, “For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.”  Is there any higher honor than being considered as “God’s building?” Each of us has also been given a divine assignment while here on Earth. What might that be, you may wonder?  It is to bring glory to our Eternal Sire and to draw others to Him for Kingdom Building.  Once we surrender our life to the Majestic Ruler, we transform from ordinary human beings to royal beings of God.  1 Peter 2:9 NIV says, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession…”. 

     On Judgment Day, every symbol of manmade royalty will cease, from Buckingham Palace to the Queen’s royal specter, along with the rest of this world.  However, for Born Again Christians, we will gain access to the Eternal Kingdom.  One that will never require renovations or can be destroyed.  Our Coat of Arms is the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18).  Our Crown of Glory will come from the Almighty Lord (1 Peter 5:4 NIV).  Furthermore, our assigned security guards are actually the Lord’s Ministering Angels sent to us by Him (Hebrews 1:14 NIV). 

     No matter what happens this week, draw comfort in knowing you are a royal child of the Most High God.   When that supervisor shows favoritism and ignores you, smile and don’t worry, Beloved.  When that social-click at church intentionally leaves you off their guest lists, smile and don’t worry. Who cares if those so-called friends work out at the gym without you, smile and don’t worry.  You must choose to be the bigger person and forgive them.  In the same way we want to be forgiven for the things that we’ve done wrong.  Don’t allow someone’s rudeness to ruin your day or week.   All you have to do is focus on being a positive light that will draw others to the Author and Finisher our faith.  When we humbly fulfill this duty, our Holy King will not only be pleased with us.  He will also bless us to fully walk in the favor, protection and anointing of our very own Divine Royalty.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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