
Is Your Fruit Sour or Sweet?

     I adore a deliciously cooked meal but every now and then, I want a good salad.  The other day, I was more than ready to satisfy this craving.  So, I washed off some Butter Lettuce, place it in a nice bowl and then proceeded to threw in everything but the kitchen sink.  After slicing up two boiled eggs, I reached for a tomato.   Once my hand made contact with the squishy mass, I realized it was too ripe.  “Awwwww, man!” I instantly thought.  It didn’t even have enough firmness to be properly cut. I don’t know about you but I hate neglecting my tastebuds, especially when they are fiending for a particular dish. So, I discarded the tomato, continued to work with what I had and finished preparing my meal. 

     While I ate, I checked my Facebook page.  As I scrolled down, I came upon a message that read, “We Could Say A Lot, But Sometimes We Just Need to Love.”  This message stood out to me for several reasons.  I’d like to elaborate on two that come to mind.  The first of which is listening.  It is truly essential in our walk with Christ.  As I’ve shared before, growing up, Momma would occasionally tell me, “Tasha, everyone doesn’t need to hear your opinion!”  These were the moments when I knew I had worked her last nerve.  At which point, I wisely kept quiet while she continued, “Sometimes, you just need to just hush and listen.” She could not have been more correct.  Real ministry starts with our ears and eyes.  That’s why we have two of each and one mouth.  The Lord designed us to listen and watch more, while talking less.

     Secondly, we don’t always have to preach at someone when they are in need.  There’s nothing like feeling alone and suffering, only to be shunned by fellow Christians.  Sadly, they can also be the first ones to judge you.  Some will look down on us because we are guilty of a sin that they have never committed. Others will judge us because we do not do what they tell us to do, when they tell us to do it.  There are also folks who will see us as foolish because we are holding onto a promise that we believe the Lord has given us.  I am ashamed to confess that I, too, have been judgmental through out my life.  I repent of this sin and ask the Lord to please deliver me from it as the Word of God promises there are consequences for this type of behavior.  Luke 6:37 warns, “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”

     You see, it’s a bit like that overly ripe tomato that I had.  It looked fine in my refrigerator until I made contact with it. Once I did, I realized it could not be used for its original purpose, which was to be eaten.  This got to me wondering about the quote that I mentioned earlier, We Could Say A Lot, But Sometimes We Just Need to Love.”  Always giving our unsolicited advice and not allowing others to talk about their pain, causes our Spiritual Fruit to sour.  Love, kindness and compassion are sweet fruits that we, as Children of God, should readily share with others. After reading today’s message, I’d like to leave you with one question.   No matter what or who you encounter through out this day, will your Spiritual Fruit be sour or sweet?

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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2 thoughts on “Is Your Fruit Sour or Sweet?

  1. Lynn Washington

    I’m speechless as my behavior is bitter and sometimes sweet. Bitter fruit eventually rots while spreading contamination to others nearby…will do better to produce fruits of the spirit

    1. Tashawhite

      My Beloved Sista, trust and believe that makes two of us! I’m so grateful that we serve a God whose mercy endureth forever. Thank you for your continued support of this endeavor. May God bless you and yours.

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