
Dare Not to Doubt!

As a child, my brother and I would dare each other to do the silliest things. When we went to McDonalds, we would eat our Big Macs and then dare each other on who would be the last one to chew their food.  We even challenged each other on who could hold their breath the longest.  Although we were poor, we were rich in creative activities.

Once I grew older, I realized there are some things we should never make a dare to do.  For instance, like a bet that would cause someone to put themselves in danger.   A wager to steal something or an attempt to use drugs is always foolish.  Walking in a neighborhood alone late at night for any reason, is not wise.  All of these things make the worse kind of bets. Nevertheless, making dares is now apart of our everyday culture.   Hence, the reason why the game, Truth or Dare is so popular.

Let’s take a quick look at the definition of the word, Dare.  According to one source, it is defined as “a challenge to perform an action especially as proof of courage or to confront boldly.” Have you ever considered how a dare could work for our advantage spiritually?  You may wonder, “No, not really!” If that’s the case, then cool! Please allow me to elaborate.  One of the most common tactics that the enemy uses is to make us feel doubt or discouraged.  He knows if he can slither in and plant these mental grenades, he can ambush our purpose and faith.   

In today’s message, “Dare Not to Doubt,” I want to encourage you to keep the faith, no matter what.  The Lord and His power is greater than any circumstance we will ever encounter.  In Psalms 42:11 NIV, King David encouraged himself in the Lord when he wrote, “Why my soul, are you downcast?  Why so disturbed within me?  Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.” It was almost as if he had an out of body experience.  Let’s look at his words again. “Why my soul, are you downcast?  Why so disturbed within me?” During the time this passage was written, he was under serious attack by the enemy.  Even still, he dared his soul not to doubt that God would save him.  Let’s be honest.  David was no where near perfect.  He had lived a sinful life the same way we all have.  In fact, he had slept with another man’s wife, gotten her pregnant, plotted and had that same innocent man killed.  And yet, when he completely repented, our Merciful Father forgave him.  In return, He delivered him during every time of trouble.  Now, if He willing saved David, I’m willing to dare that He will do the same for us.

While you anxiously wait on that medical report back from the doctor, dare not to doubt the Lord’s ability to heal you.  Still waiting on that pay increase from your job?  You should dare not to doubt that our Heavenly Father will supply all your needs. Stop staring a hole in your phone waiting for that lending office to call you regarding that home loan. You should, instead, dare not to doubt that the Creator and Commander of the Universe can update your application status from pending to approved.   So what if your Mid-year review at work is due and your supervisor is as crazy and vindictive as they come.  You can decide to give it to God and dare not to doubt.  No matter what dark principalities in high places throw at you this week.  Every last one of them cowers before and must obey our Eternal Father. If we shift our focus on pleasing Him first, He will direct His focus on protecting and blessing us.  That’s why we can stand on His Word, look to the heavens from where all of our help cometh from and Dare Not to Doubt!

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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