
Shield of Faith

Whenever I’m not careful or spending enough time in the Word, my mental and spiritual defenses begin to wan. For instance, like they did this past weekend.  You see, I’ve been in a spiritual battle for a year now.  One that has taken a major toll on my ‘Shield of Faith.’ Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:16 KJV, “Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.”

I imagine that if I could see this spiritual piece of armor with my naked eye, it would contain a multitude of dents from the shower of satan’s darts of destruction.  One of the most difficult things to conquer as a child of God, (well, at least for me) is to continue to hold up your Shield of Faith when you’re battle weary and ready to collapse. 

Nevertheless, we do and, most importantly, we must.  In the natural world, one definition of a storm is, “any disturbed state of an environment.”  The same could be said in the spiritual realm.  Our peace is the ‘environment,’ whereas, ‘any disturbed state’ would be the enemy’s strategy and/or arsenal.  Our Shield of Faith helps to keep us sane no matter the method of attack.

Here are a few other reasons why it is so very important:

It Covers Us

It not only protects us from the ‘fiery darts of the wicked’ but it also protects us from the rain of a spiritual storm.


It Contains the Crest of God

Historically, whenever a solider fought on behalf of a kingdom, his shield would contain the crest of that particular monarch. Our Sovereign God is far greater than any manmade ruler.  Therefore, I truly believe that our shields contain His Eternal Crest as well. After all, His power reaches far beyond any earthly principality.


It’s Mobile

Rest assure, satan will attack you anywhere, at anytime.  Whether his assault occurs in your home, on the job or, let’s not forget his favorite venue, at church. No location or circumstance is deemed off-limits to the wicked one.  That’s why we should praise the Almighty God that our Shield of Faith is mobile.  We should never leave home without it.  So, when, not if, the adversary shows up, we are equipped to fight back.

My friend, are you currently standing in the down pour of a spiritual storm?  Perhaps, the enemy has repeatedly aimed darts of shame at you for your past mistakes? Whatever the attack, today I believe the Lord is saying to us both that enough is enough!  We must take up our shield and stand.  We don’t have to cower in fear when our Heavenly Father sits on the greatest throne. That’s why we can stare down satan’s weapons of destruction like depression, discouragement, shame, guilt, intimidation, lack of resources, insecurity, etc.  Let’s choose to stand in agreement and raise our Shields of Faith to the devil.  Then and only then, will he cease his enemy fire.  For once he gazes upon this armor, he will no longer see the feebleness of our humanity but the crest that belongs to the King of all kings.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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