
The Spiritual Passport

The other morning while driving to my fitness Boot Camp, I heard a report on the radio about the latest developments on our country’s current migrant deportation fiasco.  My heart filled with compassion for those who have fled their native lands for a better life here in the United States.  Ironically, this brought my own passport to mind.  I thought about its significance and how it allows me to travel the world, at anytime. A tremendous blessing in which I do not take for granted. 

Then, I began to correlate my American passport with a spiritual one.  Let’s begin by considering what exactly is a passport?  It’s “an official document issued by a government certifying the holder’s identity and citizenship.” Essentially, it entitles the card holder to travel to and from foreign countries while under the protection of a particular government. 

I’m so grateful that anyone, regardless of their resident or socioeconomic status, can choose to receive a Spiritual Passport.  Interestingly enough, it does share some similarities to the government one. The following are examples of how and why:

Each One Is In Print

A U.S. passport is printed as an official document.  Whereas, our Spiritual Passport (Word of God) is printed on the pages of the Bible.

Both Have Regulations

The first one has stipulations defined by our government.  On the other hand, a Spiritual Passport is mandated by our Almighty God.

Both Grant Us Privileges 

One grants us rights issued by the United States of America, while the other offers us eternal blessings given by the Creator and Commander of the Universe.

Each One Is Fundamental to Our Future 

Whether today or in the near future, a U.S. passport must be included along with any potential plans we have to travel abroad. However, our Spiritual Passport is essential to our future journey to heaven. Joshua 1:8 NIV, tells us “Do not let this Book of Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.”


Both Indicate Our Heritage

A passport eligibility requirement for native Americans is to provide proof of our birthplace.  On the other side of the coin, the amount of time that we spend with our Spiritual Passport will reveal evidence of whose child we really are, whether it is the King of all kings or the enemy’s.

So, what if that egotistical supervisor decides to act crazy again?  Don’t allow yourself to be affected by their issues.  Mentally, shake them off and calmly watch as they behave as foolish as they want.  Our Spiritual Passport tells us in Psalm 138:7 NIV, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand you save me.”  Perhaps, your heart is broken or hurting right now?   If so, be encouraged, Beloved, this too shall pass.   Our Spiritual Passport guides us to a path of forgiveness and healing. No matter where you must travel in this week, my friend, don’t leave home without your Spiritual Passport embedded in your heart.  It will not only grant you access to a world of peace but ultimately to eternity in Heaven.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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