
Unchanged Locks

Disappointed and hurt, I rushed out of the house, onto the sidewalk and into the street.  I didn’t care where I was going as long as it wasn’t this place!  I grabbed my keys, sweater and left.  While I walked swiftly away, I looked down at the garment in my hands and I thought, “Why did I bring this?”  It’s wasn’t like I needed it.  We always had perfect weather. It’s no wonder beautiful lush vegetation grew along the sides of streets of gold. 

I stubbornly continued down the path that led me farther and farther away from my Dad’s royal residence.  Eventually, I made it to the gates that surrounded the perimeter of His property.  They were tall and elegant, enshrouded in pearls and priceless jewels.  I had never had the courage to venture beyond these borders before now.  All I knew was that I was tired of doing things my Father’s way.  I wanted to do what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it.  “Besides,” I told myself, “He has too many rules that I must obey!”   With a stubborn determination, I passed from the shelter of my King’s estate into the uncertainty of an unknown world.

I had no idea what I was getting myself into at this point.  The seduction of world had deceived me into believing that it had more to offer me than the sanctity of my Father’s dwelling place.  I quickly discovered that the ruler of this dark realm didn’t have my best interest at heart.  In fact, he had a personal vendetta against me.  In other words, he wanted to destroy me by any means necessary. In his bag of arsenal were a variety of weapons that he tried to use against me.  All of which had been programmed to recognize me as their target.

The choice of weaponry was endless. They ranged from co-workers who turned out to be frenemies to men with syrupy words but shady intentions.  These unsuspecting attacks came in all shapes and sizes. It wasn’t until I turned forty-six, that I finally grew weary of dancing to the tunes of the enemy.  I was emotionally drained and spiritually on ‘E’.   1 John 2:17 (KJV) tells us, “The world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”  Fortunately, I decided that I was done struggling due to my choice of bad decisions.  

I realized that I must have been insane!  At my Father’s house, I had a room that was the equivalent to my very own mansion.  Nowadays, it was all I could do to keep my head above water.  “I am tired of this life,”  I suddenly decided one day, “I’m going home.”  I  searched among my meager belongings and found the key to my Papa’s palace. I wondered if it still worked.  “Oh, Father,” I said out loud, “Please let it still work!”  With every urgent step that I took in the direction of my Dad’s estate, I prayed out loud, “Please don’t let the lock be changed…Please don’t let the lock be changed…Please don’t let the lock be changed!”

After some time, I arrived at the lavish gates that protected my Father’s kingdom.  They were one of the most welcomed sites I had ever seen.  Much to my delight, I was able to pass through the elegant security point with no problem.  When I finally arrived at my Eternal Sire’s address, I pulled the old fashion cast iron key from my pocket.  Why had I not ever previously noticed it. Before, it was simply a tool of convenience.  Today, it had become my most prized possession.

I prayed one last time, “Lord…please don’t let the lock be changed!”  Then I timidly positioned the key at the mouth of the mechanism, slid it in and turned.  My heart leaped with joy.  My eyes began to fill up with tears of gratitude as the massive front door suddenly clicked open. Walking down an opulent hallway, I noticed the night lights were lit.   It was if Dad was expecting an overnight guest to arrive.  “Father, it’s me!” I cried out, “I’m home!”  Then I heard his powerful voice boom, “Come!”

Once I made it inside the palatial sanctuary, I saw my Glorious Father seated on His imperial throne.  How could I have ever forgotten the beauty of His majesty.  Every time I see Him, He takes my breath away.  He is perfection personified!  Trembling, I fell to my knees in my shabby clothes before His throne and said, “Oh Daddy, I missed You so much!”   I wept bitter tears of regret and shame.   All those years I had wasted in disobedience, desperately chasing worldly acceptance.  How crazy was that?  When all I ever needed was right here, inside my Father’s house.   

Once again, I heard Him say, “Come!”  I looked up at Him, this time through the blurry gaze of my tears. This time, He gently said, “Come to me!”  After struggling to my feet, I walked gingerly to His throne. When I got there, I looked down and whispered, “I’m sorry I hurt You, Father.  Please forgive me.”   He then stretched his arms to me and I gladly fell into them. I clung to the shelter of His loving embrace.  He always gave the best hugs in the universe.  After some time, I muttered a confession against His strong chest.  “I was so afraid that You had changed the lock and I wouldn’t be able to see You, Papa.”  I hugged Him a little tighter and said, “I’m so glad You didn’t.  Thank you!”  While basting in the comfort of His embrace, He replied, “It would never change, Tashma because a lock and key has never kept us apart.” I frowned slightly with confusion and asked, “Huh, I don’t get it.” He tenderly stroked the back of my head and revealed,  “Just because you can not always see me, doesn’t mean that I am not always with you.”  I smiled in gratitude as I knew in my heart this was true. That’s why I am so thankful that I serve a Father with unchanged locks!

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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4 thoughts on “Unchanged Locks

  1. Gail White

    Dear Tasha,
    What a loving and honorable tribute to our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. We can hold onto the promise that our heavenly Father loves us unceasingly. Great blog!

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