
Dry Land

The Red Cross estimates that half of the American population can not swim. This guesstimation would mean over 160 million people are vulnerable when near bodies of water like pools and lakes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 10 people drown every day. Many people refuse to learn how to swim Continue Reading

Rise to Purpose

Yesterday, many of us attended a Resurrection Sunday service with our families. One common message that most likely resonated through our churches was the story of Jesus’ resurrection. The word resurrection is defined as “the rising of Jesus Christ from the dead after His crucifixion and entombment.” However, the story of God’s sacrifice shouldn’t end Continue Reading

Are You Unlovely?

Recently, one of my best friends shared with me a situation that she had undergone at work that reeked of unfairness, rudeness, and intolerance.   Nonetheless, she chose to behave in way befitting a Daughter of Christ, one that demonstrated grace, unforgiveness and humility. After telling me her testimony, she said something to me that I Continue Reading